13 August 2010

... the 'left' versus 'right' divide

"We’re really regressing back to the dark ages".

"Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous quality of stilling discontent while maintaining privilege, a fact that has not gone unnoticed among liberal economists".

   ... Noam Chomsky (1928b), linguist and political activist

1 comment:

  1. Janine Murray02 November, 2010

    Capitalist champion Margaret Thatcher once observed “the trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money”. But then the trouble with capitalism is that
    eventually you end up with a few very wealthy people with all the money. The workers who produce the goods need to share in the wealth creation or there is no one who can afford to consume the goods.

    Unbridled capitalism is the worst system of all. It leads to the Enrons and the Worldcoms and the utter collapse of the economy. Greed is not good; there has to be a sharing of the wealth.



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