"Because I could not stop for death he kindly stopped for me" |
“In whatever kind of a ‘race’ life may be, I have very abruptly become a finalist…. I can’t see myself smiting my brow with shock or hear myself whining about how it’s all so unfair: I have been taunting the Reaper into taking a free scythe in my direction and have now succumbed to something so predictable and banal that it bores even me.”
Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011), author, journalist, and celebrated atheist who wrote the best seller
"God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" (2007)
A latter day Talleyrand: brilliant, cynical, opportunistic, self-promoting - a superannuated behemoth hanging by his fingertips between the opposing cliff faces of the ancien regime and modernity.