21 June 2014

Male anxiety of the home


"Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that can happen to a man"

   ... James Thurber ( 1894-1961), American cartoonist, playright, and celebrated wit.

* an animated example [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1teJjX-smdE&feature=related]

1 comment:

  1. E. B. White21 June, 2014

    'Thurber men'... are frustrated, fugitive beings; at times they seem vaguely striving to get out of something without being seen (a room, a situation, a state of mind), at other times they are merely perplexed and too humble, or weak to move. The women, you will notice, are quite different: temperamentally they are much better adjusted to their surroundings than are the men, and mentally they are much less capable of making themselves uncomfortable.



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