08 December 2010

An expansionist’s rant ...

A fistful of dollars 

"If we’re going to be here as a species 5,000 years from now, we’re not going to do it with seven billon people".

     ... Ted Turner (b. 1938), American media mogul, comments on the impact of demographic trends on future greenhouse gas emissions, a little discussed subject given its political sensitivity.


  1. China claims its one-child policy has resulted in 400 million fewer births since 1979, limiting emissions growth even as the country becomes more industrialized. But critics argue the mandate has contributed to more abortions and high levels of female infanticide

    The Roman Catholic Church has consistently condemned any connection between world population growth on future greenhouse gas emission.

  2. While Ted Turner seems to have a chronic case of foot-in-mouth disease, he is correct in that the world will not sustain our population growth. Sadly, humans that are intelligent enough to realize this are the ones limiting themselves, while the “lowest common denominator” continues to breed. Therefore, in the end, the world will be populated with these types, and the truly intelligent will die out. Sad.

  3. Tiger Ochocinco Mellencamp08 December, 2010

    Turner was kind of right…there is a finite number of humans that can be sustained on this planet. What he failed to recognize is that nature and limited resources will determine that number…not man’s free will. At some point, the world will become overpopulated and the result will be starvation, pestilence, and disease that wipes out a good portion of the world’s population. The problem Ted is addressing will be solved that way.

    In addition to the unrealistic and stupid ramblings he made in Mexico, I’m surprised he didn’t suggest that we feed the homeless to the starving and solve two problems there as well.



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