27 September 2008

Forrest Gump in drag … with red lipstick

If this photo (above right) had been doctored (as the film clip inset above left from the movie Forrest Gump) it would be an amusing lark perhaps found in the back pages of a cheap tabloid magazine .. certainly not in the mainstream media, even momentarily. But it’s there alright, and real … even surreal, but soon (hopefully) to be relegated to the dust bin of historical mementoes of the fleeting bravado of a naïve mind suddenly thrust into the public limelight, totally mesmerized while incapable of entertaining a single serious thought.


  1. 1. When I saw the picture of Sarah Palin with Henry Kissinger, I wondered if she knew he was wanted as a war criminal? I wondered about Chile in 1974 and Cambodia before that, where so many innocents died and Kissinger was at the wheel, urging Nixon on, just like he’s been allowed to nuture George Bush, who, sadly, looks like an intellectual giant next to Ms. Palin. Does Ms. Palin know that 1.2 million Iraqis have been slaughtered? Does she know that Cheney and Rumsfeld were friends with Sadaam before he become our “enemy.? That we’ve dropped tons of depleted uranium in the form of bombs and bullets and the cancer rates are skyrocketing in Iraq? I too, feel a bit sorry for Ms. Palin. She doesn’t know history, she feels that American Exceptionalism still reigns, when what we are truly facing is a tragic and serious decline of Empire. I weep for my country, but we all have been lied to for so long about our dark history of invasions and brutality, while sold baseball and apple pie, it is time for all of us who still care about truth and liberty to turn off the televisions and read a book or two. Sarah is a tragic figure, a perfect metaphor for what we have become.

  2. Palin’s MO, cultivated right out of “the pungent mud of Alaska Republican corruption” is to assume rightly (unfortunately) that most people who hear these repeated “lies” are not well-informed nor incentivized to be well-informed, and will believe her. It’s part and parcel of the GOP’s callous strategy to energize the lowest common denominator in American society to vote for McCain. It’s worked before and will undoubtedly work again. Cynically clever by half (unfortunately)!

  3. The woman was in way over her head, given to vacant statements, faith-based certainties, and inexplicable self-confidence. Much like President G.W. Bush.

  4. Anonymous16 June, 2010

    You certainly insult Mr Gump by even remotely linking him with this opportunistic bitch!

  5. Christopher Hitchens26 August, 2010

    Sarah Palin is a deceiving and unscrupulous woman utterly unversed in any of the needful political discourses but easily trained to utter preposterous lies and to appeal to the basest element of her audience.



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